Jeffrey Grossman
Jeffrey Grossman is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures. He recently published several articles on Yiddish writing and German and German Jewish culture in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as articles on Heinrich Heine and the Yiddish poet Moyshe Leyb Halpern, and Franz Kafka and memory in the writing of émigré central European intellectuals. He also recently co-edited a special issue of the online journal Quest devoted to the Jews of the German and Habsburg Empires during the First World War.
He is currently working on a book on the problem of translation and transmission of Yiddish literature into German from 1890 to 1933.
His teaching in Jewish Studies includes "German Jewish Culture and History," "East European Culture and History," and "Yiddish Literature in Translation," as well as graduate seminars on "Germans and Jews" (co-taught with Asher Biemann) and "Jews, Germans, and the Response to Modernity."