Joshua L. Miller
A scholar of 20th and 21st-century U.S. literature and visual culture, Joshua L. Miller studies migrant and multilingual literatures as well as their intersections with historical and contemporary photography. His teaching and research interests include experimental modernist and contemporary novels, language politics, immigration, race, and film.
Miller is the author of Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism (Oxford, 2011), editor of the Cambridge Companion to the American Modernist Novel (2015) and the Cambridge Companion to 21stCentury American Fiction (2021), and co-editor of a special issue cluster of Modernism/modernity Print-Plus on "Translation and/as Disconnection" (2018) and Languages of Modern Jewish Cultures: Comparative Perspectives (Michigan, 2016).
Miller received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago and M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in English and comparative literature from Columbia University. He is currently completing a literary counter-history of 19th and 20th-century U.S. migrant narratives and at work on a comparative study of photography, race, and intermedial narrative from the 1960s to the present.
Miller teaches courses in 21st-century U.S. novels, literary modernism, language politics and theory, migrant and refugee narratives, and the linked histories of photography and literature.